Level 6







Unit 1

Dismissed from Drama School

with a note that read

wasting her time.

She's too shy to put her best foot forward.

Turned down by the Deca Recording Company who said

We don't like their sound

and guitar music is on the way out

A failed soldier, farmer and real estate agent

At 38 years old he went to work for his father as a handyman.

Cut from the high school basketball team

He went home, locked himself in his room and cried.

A teacher told him he was too stupid to learn anything

that he should go into a field where he might succeed

by virtue of his pleasant personality.

Fired from a newspaper because he lacked imagination

and had no original ideas.

His fiance died,

He failed in business twice.

He had a nervous breakdown

and was defeated in 8 elections.

If you've never failed

You've never lived.

Life equals risk.

Unit 2

The killer whale, or orca

can be found in the oceans surrounding Canada.

This intelligent mammal is at the top of the food chain.

Already a species at risk

Orcas are threatened by toxins found in what they eat.

We need to keep our oceans clean

if we want the killer whale to have a future.

and that's just a start.

To learn more about orcas

and how you can help protect them

visit hww.ca

Unit 3

Noah, what did he say?

He is going to destroy the world.

My father said that one day

if man continued in his ways,

the creator would annihilate this world.

It cannot be averted.

He speaks to you.

You must trust that he speaks in a way that you can understand.

I saw water. Death by water.

A great flood is coming.

We build a vessel to survive the storm.

We build an ark.

What do you want?

We don't know your king.

There isn't anything for you here.

I have men at my back and you stand alone and defy me!

I'm not alone.

It begins.

When they come, they will be desperate and they will be many.

Take the ark!

I see how hard this was for you.

Remember Noah, he chose you for a reason.

Is this the end of everything? Beginning.

The beginning. The beginning of everything.

Unit 4

That's what its all about right there.

Now I'm gonna start the fire.

I got the feet going.

I got the fire going now I'm gonna make the pizza.

And then, the Q-tip.

Q-Tip, Q-Tip. Throw it away.

If that's not working, hit 'em with this!

Don't ever do that again.

You hear me?

I'm just expressing myself.

No. No. Not like that your not.

Alright? This is where you live.

Right here. You live right here.

OK....This is home.

Don't need no pizza.

They got food there.

Elbows, six inches from the waist, 90 degree angles.

Don't you bite your lip. Stop it!

Women relate dancing to sex.

Even a great dancer can lose it with one of these.

OK... Now see that's what I need to be learning.

You can't stop it. You cannot stop it.

Next subject.

Unit 5

Please tell me you speak English.

I'm detective Carter.

Do you speak English?

Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?

I cannot believe this shit!

First I get a bullshit assignment.

Now Mr. Rice a Roni.

Don't even speak American.

Come on, man, my rides over here.

Put your bag in the back.

Put your bag in the back!

No, no, no. You put your own shit in the back.

I'm not a skycap.

I'm F.B.I. You understand?

What the hell you think this is.

Unit 6

Could you tell me what the specials are, please?

What are you doing here?

Bet you thought you'd never see me again.

Hoped is a better word.

Excuse me, waitress.

I'll be there in a minute.

Ms., we have theater tickets.

Look, you obviously are not here to eat

so I would appreciate it if you'd leave.

I'll be there in a minute!

I'm not leaving.

Your sexy little smile is not going to work this time.

I'm not leaving and that's it.

You're not leaving?

Not until you let me apologize.

Did you say you'd like to see the specials, sir.

I'd like to see the specials.

Today's specials are, meatloaf mozzarella.

Chicken a la king.

May I suggest some ketchup for your fries.

I'd think twice about ordering the specials if I were you.

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