Weekly Speaking Exercise


Listen to the sentences and then you try repeating the sentences by recording your voice with your microphone.

Repeat each sentence as many times as necessary to get the correct pronuciation.

MAY 6 - MAY 12

This is not important.

Esto no es importante.

I wish I could go to Japan.
Deseo poder ir a Japon.

Maria has long hair.
Maria tiene el pelo largo.

She is mad at me.
Ella esta enojada conmigo.

Can you keep a secret?
Puedes guardar un secreto?

APRIL 29 - MAY 5

I don't know what you mean.

No se que quieres decir.

I don't want to wait that long.
No quiero esperar tanto tiempo.

I can't wait to go on vacation.
No puedo esperar para ir de vacaciones.

I need your advice!
Necesito tu consejo.

The early bird catches the worm.
A quien madruga, Dios ayuda.

APRIL 22 - 28

I will be back soon.

Regresare pronto.

This is never going to end.
Esto no va a acabar nunca.

I miss you.
Te extrano.

That's a good idea!
Quen buena idea!

It is very hot today.
Hoy hace mucho calor.

APRIL 15 - 21

Where is the problem?

Donde esta el problema?

I have nothing better to do.
No tengo nada mejor que hacer.

Nobody understand me.
Nadie me entiende.

I don't know what to do anymore.
Ya no se que hacer.

I wonder how long it's going to take.
Me pregunto cuanto tiempo tardara.

APRIL 8 - 14

I didn't like it.

No me gustaba.

It doesn't surprise me.
No me sorprende.

It may freeze next week.
Puede que hiele la semana que viene.

I don't want to wait that long.
No quiero esperar tanto tiempo.

I didn't want this to happen.
Yo no queria que eso sucediera.

APRIL 1 - 6

Please bring the others.
Traiga a los otros, por favor.

Please help me clean the house.
Por favor ayúdame a limpiar la casa.

She is eight.
Ella tiene 8 anos.

They made fun of Mary.
Se burlaron de Mary

They invited me to play cards.
Me invitaron a jugar a las cartas.

MARCH 25 - 31

Where is the problem?

Donde esta el problema?

I have nothing better to do.
No tengo nada mejor que hacer.

Nobody understand me.
Nadie me entiende.

I don't know what to do anymore.
Ya no se que hacer.

I wonder how long it's going to take.
Me pregunto cuanto tiempo tardara.

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